Follow along with movies in real time to compare actual turning points in a film with theoretical structures (paradigms) from popular screenwriting authors. Set the run-time, then watch how the filmmakers execute the turning points of a story in ways that are often missed if you're not looking for it.
And then...
Apply those insights to your own writing!

Traditional timelines are configured as story-wheels for a consistent presentation of the theories. Compare multiple paradigms one-to-one with a quick swipe.

Set movie run-time, start the timer and follow along to evaluate different paradigms on-the-fly. Start the clock at any point around the story wheel.

Tap any one of the story wheels for a study-guide synopsis of each stage of that particular paradigm.

Enter notes while the film is in progress. Elapsed-time stamp is included with each entry. Export your notes to other applications for archive and editing.

Godsend from the Writing Gods!"
This is one of the user’s reviews that maybe perfectly describes the usefulness and greatness of this writer’s utility. If you are a screenwriter, aspiring screenwriter, student, teacher, or basically a writing enthusiast, you are going to thank me after reading this article.

The reason is simple: this writing utility is amazing and exceptionally unique. You simply can't find a better tool at this time for screenwriting.

As a female screenwriter, playwright, film director, and novelist, and occasional game writer, I've radically upleveled my understanding of deep story structure with the use of Story Compass. Designed by a Hollywood storyteller for storytellers, this is the ultimate storytellers' app. Using Story Compass regularly during my doctoral studies in sci-fi screenwriting has been an essential part of enhancing and advancing my understanding of story structure and my storytelling skills and abilities.
H. Raven Rose

Speaking from both a screenwriting perspective/interest and from a software development background, your Story Compass software (I use Android) is a marvel of beauty, insight, and elegance. Your tutorial videos were also some of the best I've seen for any platform. I know your film experience extends way beyond this, but wanted to quickly share my love of your app. It gracefully slides into a sweet spot of core writing tools.
Christopher Pufall